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Our Story – One Layer At A Time:

Hello, we are BistyLabs!

We are a dynamic duo that launched this printing journey in October 2021, operating out of Maple, Ontario in Canada. Originally, we began 3D printing as a hobby, eagerly making practical items for around the house and for our friends and family. With all the excitement and positive feedback we received, this hobby quickly transformed into our Bitsy business, shipping to nearly every country in the world.

At BistyLabs, our goal is simple. We want to create highly customizable products that also hold the utmost quality. If something does not meet this standard - if it's not something we would proudly display ourselves, it simply does not go out. To achieve this goal, we focus mainly on two fundamentals...

1) We only use the best-in-class filament for all our orders. While regular PLA is sufficient for what we are doing, we exclusively use PLA Plus from a highly-reputable brand. This enhances durability and ensures the print holds its moisture-resistant properties.

2) Each of our machines are vigorously tested and maintained to deliver consistent quality. While this might be considered a tall order for some small businesses, having a mechanical engineer on our team definitely does help here.

We truly do love engaging with our customers and strive to accommodate requests as best we can. We love all your new and interesting ideas, really! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop us a message.

Welcome to BitsyLabs!